
Share Carers NZ’s information, resources, and tools with all staff


Include a link to Carers NZ’s website on your intranet; promote the site and resources via staff communications.


  • Don’t create resources for carers (unless you want to) – we’ll send them to you to share!
  • Carers NZ resources include a ‘one click’ digital infopack for carers.
  • Carers can also directly access our helpline and other support any time.
  • Encourage carers to join Carers NZ to receive updates outside of work – it’s free.

Distribute electronic and print issues of resources such as Carers NZ’s popular Family Care magazine to all staff


  • Every issue includes a CareWise section with advice for working carers and employers.
  • All staff are likely to enjoy Family Care – they can share it with others in their lives as a social good outcome of CareWise.
  • You’ll receive the link to every digital issue Family Care – just share it in your usual staff communications.
  • We’ll be in touch to see if you would like print copies for your workplace.
  • Begin to understand what help is available for your carers by looking at this Ministry of Social Development publication’s, Guide for Carers.

Invite employees to participate in a self-managed Carers Employee Network Group.


  • Carers NZ can help your Group with planning, speakers, and ideas.
  • Ask Carers NZ to provide infopacks, magazines, and resources for meetings.
  • We can link your Group to others among CareWise workplaces for learning, sharing, and fun.