Innovation for working carers

Almost 90% of New Zealand’s 490,000+ family carers are of workforce age (15 to 64) and many struggle to juggle work and caregiving.

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CareWise Spotlight: Sara

“I never imagined that my career would take a backseat to caregiving responsibilities,” says Sara, a former software engineer specialising in medical software, who is now a full-time carer for…

CareWise Spotlight: Michelle

Michelle was a rest home worker specialising in dementia care before she gave up her job to become her son Harley’s (12) full time carer. “You know you’ll always be…

CareWise Spotlight: Tracey Dorward

Hawkes Bay carer Tracey Dorward felt she had no option but to quit her job. Now she’s working again, for a more flexible employer. Tracey Dorward resigned from her last…

Give and take essential, says Donnelle

Software developer Donnelle Belangor-Taylor manages to juggle her 26 hour a week job with caring for three children, two of whom have disabilities.

Working carers feature in UK Carers Week

600 people a day leave the UK workforce because they can no longer balance work and care. This particularly affects experienced workers between 45 and 64 who employers can ill afford to lose.

Staying in work easier with employer help

Andy says it’s hard to put into words what it’s been like caring for his mother for the last seven years. She has dementia but remains fiercely independent, refusing outside…

Carers NZ and Diversitas: CareWise interview

Introducing CareWise: an interview with Carol Brown (Diversitas) and Laurie Hilsgen (Carers NZ). 1 in 8 workers in every organisation have caring responsibilities outside of work. CareWise is a free…

A snapshot for employers: who are carers?

Unlike other countries, New Zealand does not have a clear picture about who its carers are. But Infometrics analysis gives a good peek.

Now we’re all teleworkers

Not every carer can keep working. Not every employer gets it. But if we bridge the worlds of work and care New Zealand will be better off. We’ll be the kind of society we say we are.